Hatena Illusion, an anime adaptation of Tomohiro Matsu’s manga, captured the hearts of fans with its romantic comedy storyline. A creation of Children’s Playground Entertainment, the series debuted on BS NTV, MBS, and Tokyo MX channels on January 9, 2020. Directed by Shin Matsuo, the anime concluded its first season with the 12th episode on June 3, 2020. Now, the burning question on fans’ minds is whether a second season is on the horizon.
Plot Overview:
The story follows Shiranui Makoto, a high school freshman, on his journey to Tokyo to apprentice under the renowned illusionist Mamoru Hoshisato, a family acquaintance. Makoto’s dream of becoming an illusionist is fueled by his admiration for Hoshisato and his wife’s performances. Complicating matters, Hoshisato’s daughter and Makoto’s childhood friend, Kana (Hatena), adds both familiarity and tension to the mix. The Hoshisato mansion, dubbed the Makoto haunted house, becomes the stage for strange events, adding an element of mystery to the series.
Will There Be a Second Season?
As of now, Funimation, the studio, or the producers have not officially renewed Hatena Illusion for a second season. The anime, based on Tomohiro Matsu’s manga published on November 21, 2014, concluded its first season with a total of four volumes. Since the manga is not ongoing, the chances of a new season seem uncertain. However, the possibility remains open if the script takes an unexpected turn.
The last episode faced delays for various reasons, and despite its potential, Hatena Illusion received mixed reviews, with some negative evaluations. The series struggled to meet audience expectations, impacting its popularity and potential for a second season.
In conclusion, the fate of Hatena Illusion Season 2 hangs in the balance. While uncertainties surround its renewal status, fans are left to ponder whether the magic of a new season will materialize or remain an illusion.
This Blog Write By: Prince Sanatan Kumar